New Moons symbolize new beginnings. It is a time to set intentions and plant seeds for the next month. Where should you take some time for reflection? What wants to manifest in your life? And how can you surrender to the process and trust your intuition? Each New Moon happens in a specific astrological sign, so we will also explore how you can harness the energy of that sign during this time.
4 card spread
30 mins / $20
New Moon Spread
Tarot Readings
Take a look through the spread options and see what calls to you.
"New Moon" by NASA Goddard Photo and Video

Full Moon Spread
30 mins / $20
Full Moons symbolize completion and clarity. It is a time to reflect on those seeds planted during the New Moon. Did they flourish or did they wither? Perhaps they were the wrong seeds to plant. The Full Moon can bring exceptional clarity around these questions. What is being illuminated in your life? What are you clinging to that needs to be released? What is being transformed? Each Full Moon happens in a specific astrological sign, so we will also explore how you can harness the energy of that sign during this time.
4 card spread

"Up and Down" by eleonoralbasi
Four Elements Spread
Created by The Modern Seer Tarot
1 hour / $40
This is a spread created by The Modern Seer Tarot. It is an excellent overview of where you are in this precise moment. Each element represents a different piece of your life - passion, emotions/relationships, work, and mindset. We will also explore where you are coming from and your path forward. This is one of my most requested spreads because it is so thorough, and people really connect with the elements.
9 card spread

Grounding Spread
1 hour / $40
Sometimes life can be overwhelming and this spread can provide some insight on how to cope with anxiety, stress, and tension. What is at the root, and how can the tension be released? Look within to find your inner power and without to identify your support system. How can you get grounded and practice self-care? And how can you continue to stay present moving forward?
7 card spread

Three Card Spread
30 mins / $20
Three card spreads are great for check-ins or for direct questions. I offer the following:
Mind * Body * Spirit
Past * Present * Future
You * Your Partner * The Relationship
Issue * Action to avoid * Action to take

Single Card Reading
A single card reading is great when you would like a personalized "card of the day" or just a bit of clarity around a specific issue or question. The cards may not give you a direct answer, but will point you in the right direction.
*Note: You will not find this option in my live booking because it is NOT a face-to-face meeting. For this option, you will request a written reading by clicking on the tab labeled 'Written Readings' at the top of this page.

Group Reading
Up to 90 mins / $20 per person
Group readings are a great option for romantic relationships, friends, or family members! Connect intimately with your people in a fun and different way! Consider it for your next date night, friends night in, or bonding with your siblings. Everyone will receive an individualized three-card spread, plus an Oracle card for the group. I can accommodate up to five people.

Seasonal Spreads
Price Varies
I create seasonal spreads around holidays, modern Pagan Sabbats, and notable astrological events. You can see these featured on my Instagram page @brandipursleytarot.